Men's Mental Health Week 2024

This week is Men’s Mental Health Week and as you will be aware, our charity partner for 2024/25 is Tough To Talk, a pioneering charity dedicated to breaking the silence around male suicide and promoting mental health awareness. Founded on the principle that every man should have access to support when he needs it most, we are committed to changing lives and making a difference.

In the spirit of raising awareness, Tough To Talk have compiled some tough facts to show how the work they do is vital and unfortunately necessary:

  • The construction industry loses 4 men a day to suicide in England alone
  • Suicide is the number one preventable cause of death for men in the UK under 50
  • 10 men die by suicide every day in England and Wales (The statistics for Scotland are higher)
  • Most men who die by suicide are not known to have problems by family, friends or mental health services

At Tough To Talk, they believe that knowledge is not only power – it’s lifesaving. They’re committed to providing accessible, impactful content that educates, inspires and empowers individuals to take charge of their mental health and support others. Their content is designed to break down barriers, challenge stigmas and provide essential information that can save lives.

If you, or someone you know, are struggling, have a look at Tough To Talk’s website for advice and guidance on managing mental health and getting the required level of support here –

Getting The Right Support – NOW

If you, or someone else, require immediate support call 999 or go straight to A&E if you can. Alternatively, call the Crisis Response Service (Mental Health) on 111 (08454647 for Wales).

Atkins Search are actively fundraising to support this incredible charity and their cause, if you can please consider interacting with our fundraising link – with your help, we can make a difference – Help break the silence surrounding male suicide