This week is International Men’s Health Week (IMHW), and the goal of this week is to raise awareness of male health issues on a global scale to encourage men to seek help or advice for their health and to develop health policies and services around the world for men, boys and their families.
Josh is one of our recruitment consultants, have a read of how he keeps himself fit and healthy, both physically and mentally-
“This week is International Men’s Health week, it is so important to speak up and reach out to close friends and family during low or difficult times. Statistics say, 1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem in any year and over 10% of the population have depression at any one time.
The best way I find to look after myself and both my mental and physical health is to keep myself active with regular social sporting events. For me, physical activity can be as powerful as any medicine or therapy.
I particularly enjoy playing football with my local Saturday team as well as regular 5-a side matches. I find football, whether playing or watching, allows for an inclusive environment and encourages flowing conversation.
There is a clear stigma, especially in men, surrounding discussing how we feel. The stigma that surrounds mental illness makes all of these things harder for people who have mental health problems. While attitudes to sexuality, ethnicity and other similar issues have improved, people with mental health problems are still often treated unfairly.
Keeping fit, healthy and active (including playing football!) can help to break this isolation and include people more in everyday life and their communities.”
To get more help and advice, visit – https://www.menshealthforum.org.uk/mhw