“Fighting the Stereotype”
As with every industry, the perception of what you do can be very different to the reality. After a number of recent meetings, attending network and social events, and having open conversations with new and prospective clients, it’s very obvious Atkins Search are quite unique in our approach to recruitment. Recent negative client comments regarding agencies they currently use have included:
· “We get bombarded with CV’s that aren’t right for us”
· “Recruiters don’t understand what we do”
· “It’s all about you making commission”
· “We don’t want to be hounded”
· “It’s all about KPI’s”
· “They headhunt people from us when we are working together”
It begs the question, who are these companies using for their recruitment solutions and why? I guess this can be found in a number reasons including, historic relationships, price or specialism, but I fail to find any companies who say it is quality of service.
So how do we “Fight the Stereotype”?
Well firstly, the negative comments above are alien to us, it’s not who we are or what we do. Our approach is very simple:
· Specialist – We know what you want as we done this a long time
· Ethical – Just do the right thing for everyone involved and it will work out
· Consultative – Give advice and support as required
· Professional – Represent your client and candidate in the way you would want to be represented
· Team – Work together to achieve the desired end goal for those involved
Our approach is very simple, we operate primarily as a business, it’s just that we do recruitment. We aim to raise the bar in our industry by out performing our competitors. We achieve this by continuing to do our job exceptionally well and providing the required outcomes for our clients.
We don’t work to KPI’s, we don’t own a placement bell, we don’t have a beer fridge or pool table and have no aspirations to be something we are not, we just focus on doing a bloody good job for everyone we work with. To attest to this, 80% of our placements in the past 12 months have been with repeat business. Business development isn’t something we need to do, as new and prospective clients and candidates are referred to us directly. This is a positive indicator of how we are viewed in the spaces in which we operate and our level of service.
I’m sure we aren’t the only operator in the Construction, Consultancy and Residential sectors fighting the good fight, but we don’t come across many recruitment companies prioritising the candidate and client relationship ahead of profit in the way we do.
If you are a company looking to attract talent to your business, or a candidate wanting to work with a professional or a Recruitment Consultant wanting to work in a better way, then please get in touch. Maybe that call or email might be the next step in us working together, and shaping the future of recruitment by continuing to “fight the stereotype”…