Eloise's 6 Month Anniversary

We are celebrating Eloise’s 6 month anniversary at Atkins Search!

Eloise is our Business Administration Apprentice, she is an integral part our team and keep our Consultants, Managers and Director in line with her impeccable organisational and administration skills! If you’ve called our office line, you’ve more than likely spoken to the lovely Eloise.

Here’s what Eloise had to say about her 6 month anniversary with Atkins Search…

“I can’t believe I am celebrating 6 months with Atkins Search already. Time really does fly when you are having fun!

The past 6 months have felt like a dream. These past months have been a massive learning experience for me and I have never felt so comfortable in a workplace before. The lessons I have learnt and the knowledge I have gained will stay with me for a lifetime and I cannot wait to watch my Atkins Search journey unfold.

Atkins Search is truly a brilliant company to work for with unmatched values, fantastic support and the most amazing people too. The team really feels more like a family and I feel so lucky to wake up every day and look forward to coming to work.

Thank you for the past 6 months, I can’t wait to celebrate many, many more with you!”

Thank you for your continued hard work and effort, you’re a pleasure to work with and we really appreciate you!